Thai Massage

🕒 60 MINS 1,200THB / 🕕 90 MINS 1,550THB

🕘 120 MINS 2,200THB

Reawaken the natural flow of energy in your body through Plant Day Spa’s signature rendition of the traditional Thai-style massage. Perfect if you’re suffering from stiff muscles, aches and pains and blocked energy centres, our massage therapists apply medium to firm force on the different pressure points, muscles and ligaments throughout the body. This treatment fuses pressure with stretching to have you feeling good again. Kindly let our massage therapists know your tolerance levels as well as the areas of your body you’d like to focus on, or not focus on. With this oil-less massage, you will remain fully clothed in our or weightless cotton-silk robes to ensure maximum comfort and ease throughout the treatment.  

Thai Muscle Relieve oil Massage

🕘 120 MINS 2,900THB

Plant Day Spa's Thai Tendonitis Massage combines traditional Thai massage with tendonitis treatment therapy, uses our signature non-greasy, organic herbal oil to enhance the relief for the tight muscles, deep myofascial and tendonitis pain. The treatment is perfect for those who exercise heavily, and want massage with deep pressure to relax the deepened tight muscle knots that cause chronic pain, so that the body can feel lighter and more balanced. Thai Tendonitis Massage also improves muscle recovery, reduces muscle cramps and adhesions, increases blood circulation, and makes the overall body feel better than ever.

Thai Yoga Massage

🕘 120 MINS 2,900THB

Derived from Sanskrit, yoga is the practice that unites mind and body simultaneously. It is a form of exercise that does not require too much activity or movement. Plant Day Spa’s Thai Yoga Massage combines muscle stretching and breathing meditation to better relieve muscle tightness from the inside out. The steady and mindful breathing will also enhance your mood and concentration, which causes the overall body to feel relaxed and sleep better than ever.